This page offers composers several software tools to speed up their production workflow
Articulation Maps for Cubase Pro
Articulation maps help you to quickly select articulations for selected notes in your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). This section provides information and tools and ready to use articulation maps for Cubase Pro.
Important ! : The articulation maps (in Cubase called „Expression maps“) must be consistent with their Human Machine Interface (HMI) counterparts in the Synchron Collection of Vienna Instruments (syncVSL). This means, that no white key switches are allowed in HMI:
Example: in syncVSL use A7 Base Key-switch instead of A7(w). All successive keyswitches differ in half-tones (not white keys: e.g. c,d,e,f,g,…). You can set notes instead of white key switches on the HMI: see also HowToArticulationMaps document.
Depending on your environment and setup, please get the tools or information you need depending on the following preconditions A or B:
Precondition A
You use virtual instruments from Vienna Synchron Collection library, Strings Pro and/or Brass Pro and Cubase Pro as a DAW, but you have no articulation maps (expression maps) for Cubase Pro
Solution A
Buy articulation maps (AM) for Vienna Instruments Synchron Collection library and for Cubase Pro ready to use
Precondition B
You use instruments from Vienna Synchron Collection library other than Strings Pro and/or Brass Pro and use Cubase Pro as a DAW and want to create articulation maps (expression maps) yourself;
you are just interested in how building up a good working music production environment with Cubase Pro, Vienna Ensemble Pro with any music library.
Solution B
Create articulation maps for Instruments of Vienna Instruments Synchron Collection library and for Cubase Pro using additional tools. The ArticulationTextKSGenerator (files in OpenOffice and EXCEL format) is provided for free download as a compressed zip-file.
All information see HowToArticulationMaps.pdf
As described in HowToArticulationMaps.pdf ,you need an additional tool called „X-DAW Articulation Maps Editor“ sold by the company AudioGrocery.
This is a very good tool to create Articulations maps in General both for Logic and CubasePro.
watch video „How to create Articulation maps for Vienna Synchron Collection„